Environmental Protection


At Fischer & Plath, our challenging objectives can only be achieved if the environmental protection mentality is firmly established in our organisational structure. To this end, environmentally related aspects were incorporated in the existing management system, consistently bound into it and united with it under the name of “Quality, Environment and Working Safety Management System”. This outlook ensures that, for us, environmental protection is no trivial matter but is given equal importance with other business objectives. We have shaped our management system according to the criteria of ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 14001:2015. The objective is the continuous improvement of operational environmental protection through consistent implementation of the environmental policy.

Our own guidelines are set down in the environmental programme. To identify potential improvements and actual progress in operational environmental protection, we carry out regular audits. This scrutiny includes evaluation of the documented data and verification of the ecological knowledge of employees and dialogue to work out new improvement possibilities.

The environmental aspects include:

  • Atmospheric emissions
  • Noise and vibrations
  • Water consumption and waste water
  • Handling of substances hazardous to water
  • Waste generation and disposal
  • Product environmental protection